In our commitment to Indigenous communities, we present a suggested guide of dos and don'ts when practicing allyship. These principles are intended to help navigate this journey with respect and empathy, recognizing that allyship is a continuous process of learning and growth.
The Dos:
1. Do Your Research: Learn about Indigenous communities' historical and ongoing struggles, gaining a deeper understanding of their challenges.
2. Do be Open to listening: Actively listen to Indigenous perspectives, stories, and experiences without judgment or interruption.
3. Do the Inner Work. Be aware of your implicit biases: Reflect on and recognize your own biases and prejudices, which may affect your interactions and attitudes toward Indigenous peoples.
4. Do the Outer Work: Engage in efforts to challenge and change oppressive systems perpetuating injustices against Indigenous peoples.
5. Do Use Your Privilege: Use your privilege to amplify the voices of historically silenced Indigenous individuals and communities, both in digital spaces and in real life.
The Don'ts:
1. Don't Expect Education from Others: Avoid relying on Indigenous individuals to educate you; take responsibility for your own learning.
2. Don't Compare Struggles: Refrain from comparing your own struggles to those of Indigenous peoples; each experience is unique.
3. Don't Assume Expertise: Respect the knowledge and experiences of Indigenous individuals; avoid assuming you know better.
4. Don't Take Undue Credit: Recognize and acknowledge Indigenous activists' and communities' leadership and efforts.
5. Don't Stereotype or Generalize: Avoid making sweeping assumptions about Indigenous communities; recognize their diversity and individuality.